首页 Mitie基金会


Mitie基金会的存在是为了打破Mitie业务所在社区内弱势群体的就业障碍. 这样做的时候, Mitie attracts the very best potential, enriching the diversity of its workforce as well as that of its clients.


candidates have completed our Ready2Work programme


of candidates have gained a job via our Ready2Work programme


volunteering days facilitated by the Foundation


people released from prison introduced to local employers


成立于2013年, 基金会是一个注册慈善机构,致力于为弱势群体提供各种生活机会.

我们热衷于打破障碍,帮助可能被忽视的各种各样的参与者, but are nonetheless enthusiastic and capable, 为可持续发展, 实现就业.


  • 长期失业
  • Disabled and those with learning difficulties
  • 退伍军人
  • 曾经的罪犯
  • 年轻人

前进, the Foundation will continue to support disadvantaged groups, 并教育他人,以挑战经常围绕着他们的污名和负面看法. 我们的使命仍然是提供各种生活机会,并开辟可持续就业的可行途径.

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Our relationship with 米蒂集团有限公司

Mitie的愿景是引领设施管理行业,通过日常运营创造社会价值, leaving a lasting legacy for the communities in which the organisation works.

该基金会由米蒂集团有限公司全资资助,但通过独立的董事会和管理结构独立运作. 该基金会协助形成了Mitie的可持续发展框架,其活动在帮助该组织实现社会价值和企业社会责任(CSR)目标方面发挥了关键作用.

“The Mitie基金会 and Mitie Group Plc have long been a force for good. To build on achievements made, 如今,扩大后的课程将帮助更广泛的候选人进入职场. 我为Mitie基金会和澳博官方网站在通过有价值的就业塑造更光明的未来方面所发挥的共同作用感到自豪.”

Phil Bentley, CEO Mitie Group Plc


职场介绍会让苦苦挣扎的求职者掌握解决他们可能遇到的障碍的技能. Ready2Work is a collaborative initiative between the Mitie基金会, Mitie and the organisation’s clients to facilitate rewarding work experience.


The Foundation’s flagship work experience programme is an action-packed, eight-week introduction to the world of work, providing candidates with a route 为可持续发展 employment. 我们量身定制的方法使个人能够在一个支持性的环境中提高技能并重建信心.

Mitie backs Ready2Work by offering work experience placements within its offices, or with one of the organisation’s clients.

“Two people that took part are now working within Mitie, which is a fantastic outcome.”

Caroline Geiss, Inclusive Employment Consultant, Essex County Council

During the programme, Mitie volunteers mentor candidates, offering guidance and support. Participants also gain exposure to the realities of the 工作场所, including the roles and responsibilities shouldered by the mentor.


Jan Srna, Mitie Contract Manager, Hinchingbrooke Hospital

Specialised Ready2Work programmes

Together with our partner organisations and charities, the Mitie基金会 has created three additional variations of Ready2Work. 这些课程是针对那些在展示自己的能力和潜力方面面临特殊挑战的候选人的需求量身定制的.

Aligned with Mitie’s proud commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, Ready2Work Military方案支持退伍军人在设施管理中找到平民角色. Mitie认识到,男女军人拥有独特的技能和训练,可以为企业增加真正的价值.

The Enable programme assists participants with a disability or learning difficulties, 并支持Mitie和该组织的客户为这些候选人提供可持续就业.

与慈善机构合作,专注于改造前罪犯,帮助那些有犯罪风险的人, Beyond Bars打破了障碍,消除了对有犯罪前科的人的负面看法.


Ready2Work participant referral partners:

“自2013年以来, 工作机会与Mitie基金会合作,将20多名有刑事司法系统实际经验的妇女纳入了Ready2Work方案. As well as having placed a number of women into paid roles through Mitie, Ready2Work计划已被证明是支持候选人实现其长期职业目标和抱负的良好跳板.”


Mitie基金会 case studies

Dora Onga arrived in the UK as a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As English was not her first language, 她一直缺乏自信,于是向慈善机构“打破障碍”(Breaking Barriers)寻求就业帮助.

After securing a place on Ready2Work, Dora spent several weeks at Deloitte. She felt fully supported throughout and her confidence improved dramatically. 随后,朵拉得到了德勤伦敦校区家政主管的职位,甚至被同行投票选为“Ready2Work”候选人中进步最大的.


Jeff Barr has learning difficulties and epilepsy. After leaving school he struggled to secure work and faced many disappointing rejections. 回顾, 杰夫意识到这对他的心理健康有负面影响,使他容易焦虑发作.

Jeff was referred to Ready2Work by his Job Centre advisor. 该计划旨在为有兴趣从事清洁工作的候选人提供工作经验, and Jeff was placed at the NHS Hinchingbrooke Hospital, 剑桥郡. Despite his initial reservations, 杰夫督促自己,表现得非常好,在实习结束后,他得到了一份全职工作.

“我欣喜若狂. This is the best opportunity of my life! Working is so much better than not working.”

As part of our charity partner Career Ready’s 2019/20 support programme, 来自利兹的Mitie索普公园办事处的几名劳埃德银行集团团队成员报名与附近加福斯学院的二年级学生一起工作.

Career Ready通过提供工作场所参观计划,帮助来自低收入背景的年轻人开始有价值的职业生涯, 指导, 职业技能大师班, paid internships and other employer-led activities in schools and colleges across the UK.

The 2019/20 programme launched with a trip to London for the Garforth Academy students, 包括参观Mitie的Shard总部,了解一下在设施管理方面的工作是什么样的.

“The students all had a wonderful day and the feedback was extremely positive. A few of the students hadn’t been to London before, so it was an eye-opening experience!”
Rachel Costoya, Garforth Academy Teacher



Mitie致力于丰富组织工作所在的社区,并解决社会不平等问题. 为了支持这一点, the Foundation manages the company’s employee volunteering programme, 回馈. Mitie的同事可以利用一年一度的志愿澳博官方网站日来支持当地的公益事业.

Mitie has made a significant five-year pledge by committing to 1,000 employee volunteering days during financial year 20/21, 增加到2,000 by 24/25.

Mitie’s 5-year volunteer pledge:


Mitie的同事可以在Mitie基金会做志愿者,并有机会提供指导, conduct mock interviews and assist 商业挑战日. 志愿澳博官方网站也可以与几个与Mitie社会价值框架一致的合作慈善机构合作.

Volunteering charity partners:



有时候,面试的挑战可能会阻碍一个完全有能力的候选人得到一份工作, particularly those with perceived barriers to employment. With limited time to impress and the possibility of unconscious bias working against them, the experience and talent they offer can be overlooked.

商业挑战日是有趣的龙穴式活动,将公司与这些边缘化的个人联系起来. By allowing candidates to showcase their abilities outside an interview scenario, the day serves as an excellent alternative to more traditional recruitment methods.

The Foundation-delivered 事件 have proved particularly successful with the homeless, 年轻人, those with disabilities and ex-offenders.


  • 主席萨尔玛·沙阿
  • 受托人贾斯敏·哈德森
  • 理事,丽贝卡·福克纳
  • 理事,纳夫·凯利
  • 受托人,普拉德·潘迪特
  • 受托人安德鲁·巴克利


The Foundation will continue to support disadvantaged groups, 并教育他人,以挑战经常围绕着他们的污名和负面看法. 我们的使命仍然是提供各种生活机会,并开辟可持续就业的可行途径.


If you’re looking for more information, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, then you’ve come to the right place.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

If you have a supplier enquiry, please visit our dedicated portal on www.mitiesuppliers.com